Meadowlands Museum
Corporate Sponsorships
The Meadowlands Museum Offers Opportunities for Businesses to become a Partner in our Efforts to Preserve the Region’s History. Please talk with us if you are interested in any of these (or other) Sponsorship Options.
1) Event Sponsors – Throughout the year, the Meadowlands Museum hosts different annual events, including our February Chocolate Tasting, our spring (pre-Mother’s Day) Plant Sale, our August Days programs for children, our October Scarecrow Day, and our Dutch Christmas event. Each of these events (and our speaker programs throughout the year) welcomes Corporate Sponsors who receive name recognition publicity before, during, and after the event. Event Sponsorships start at $100/event, and sponsorships of $250 or more provide 10 free tickets to the event for the sponsor to give to their employees or customers. Pick an event from the list above, or one of our speaker events, and talk with us about how this will be a good marketing tool for your firm.
2) Traveling Exhibit Sponsors – The Museum’s collection of artifacts is far bigger than our museum building can display. We therefore have a series of traveling exhibits that are loaned out to area libraries, storefront windows and other locations throughout the year. Businesses are invited to sponsor this program. For $1000 per year, corporate businesses will have their name/logo included on all promotional materials for the program, at each traveling exhibit display, and on the Museum’s website. A maximum of 8 corporate sponsors will be accepted each year for this program.
3) Exhibit Sponsors – Whether it is a permanent exhibit or one of our rotating exhibits, we are always looking to enhance our displays and find improved ways to communicate our history. Companies can help us by contributing as an Exhibit Sponsor. Our permanent exhibit sponsors ($2000 per year) receive their name on the Museum website, on all brochures for Museum in general and for the exhibit specifically, and in the exhibit room. A maximum of two corporate sponsors (from different industry sectors) will be accepted each year for each of our three permanent exhibits. Our rotating exhibit sponsors ($750 per exhibit) receive their name on the Museum website, and for all publicity for the exhibit during its duration. They also will receive signage in the exhibit room during the time of the exhibit. A maximum of 3 corporate sponsors (from different industry sectors) will be accepted for each rotating exhibit.
4) Education Program Sponsors – The Meadowlands Museum was forced to close its doors to school tour programs for two years after Hurricane Sandy, while the roof of the building was restored. While the roof has been repaired and we are back in full operation, we are still working to reinstate the popular school tours that were disrupted by the repairs. Our Education Program Sponsors will help us to support the work that is needed to re-establish our communications and connections with all the schools in the area. A maximum of 3 Education Program Sponsors (each providing $7500/year) will receive name recognition on all publicity about the tour options, including logos on all brochures that go to all area schools.
5) Sustaining Corporate Sponsors – Companies that strongly believe in the value of preserving our history and knowledge about our collective past, and which have a strong sense of community participation may wish to consider becoming a Sustaining Corporate Sponsor of the Meadowlands Museum. With a $10,000 contribution to the Museum each year, a Sustaining Corporate Sponsor will become a partner in the work of the Museum, including a voting seat on the Museum’s Board of Trustees. This sponsorship option offers the way to have direct involvement in the preservation of our past, in order to strengthen our future. Only two Sustaining Corporate Sponsors will be accepted each year.
The Meadowlands Museum is thankful for the continued support of the surrounding community through our corporate sponsors.